Darwin 4WD Boating and Camping Show - it is a wrap!
When Ken (Supafit) suggested that we give the Darwin 4WD, Boating and Camping Show a go, it wasn't long before Off Track was reaching out to Alan to see if we could make it work. These events take so much effort on the part of the organisers and throw in liquor licensing and it can be quite tricky. We are so glad that we gave it a go.
To all of you who visited us at the stand we appreciate your support and hope you are loving the wines.
The team left Adelaide on 20 June to travel north, finding some amazing campsites, including Redbank Waterhole and Fergusson River, on the way. Meeting some fabulous people, Steve at Larrimah and Darren, Wendy and crew at Banka Banka.
The team like to keep themselves on their toes ... nothing like a 0km on the fuel gauge range with 13km still to go! They made it BTW. And if you get board cans make great bowling pins.
The two days at the showground were fantastic, pretty humid. Met some fabulous people and had a blast.
A crazy day picking and packing at Bullseye Trading, thanks Lindzee, Warren and team for letting us use your space, check out the video here
It was hectic, it was fun and we can't wait to do it again next year!
Anna (& Brett, Cass, Andrew, Phil)